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About Dallas Lyn Miller

Inspired by pop culture, fashion, nature surrealism. RƎVO⅃UTION!

Medium of choice? Anything from make up, color pencil, ink, paint, including sound as expressed in my band POUTS. 

There is not enough beauty in the world and there are too many critics. Growing up in rural farming community - I found solace in art and gained 
appreciation that Hate is not the opposite of love- fear is the opposite of love. My need for acceptance made me feel outcast and has plagued me with a haunting insecurity that only in the last few years I have accepted. The more I love- "me"- Who I am and what I create- the more I can love the world. Because the love I see is in

everything. I had to learn to not apologize for me. To be strong and not care about others opinions about me- because it is none of my business what other people think of me.

You are the love you have for yourself and the world that you create. I have been told that the more you love the more the universe blooms from that love - so as I am encouraged by someone I admire.... GO BIG OR GO HOME!

"The measure of your success usually comes down to who wins the battle that rages between the two of you. The 'you' who wants to stop, give up, or take it easy, and the 'you' who chooses to beat back that which would stand in the way of your success - complacency." -Chris Widener 

"It takes continuous effort, day in and day out. Set your mind and stay committed to your goals." - Coach Ileen

Interested in collecting any of my art or a commissioned work? Please let me know for prices or rates. Thank you, Love to see what we can create.

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